Apartments for rent in Au

Au is a charming town located in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen. The town is renowned for its peaceful setting, natural beauty, and exceptional quality of life. Living in Au, Switzerland can offer a unique and enriching experience for residents.


Au, a charming community in the heart of a green environment

The town is situated in a lush valley surrounded by imposing mountains. Residents of Au have access to a variety of hiking trails and cycling paths, allowing them to explore the natural beauty of the region. The town is also located close to several lakes, offering residents numerous options for water activities, such as swimming, fishing, and canoeing.


Au, a town rich in culture

Au is culturally rich, with a history dating back over 1000 years. Residents have access to several museums and historical sites, including the famous Abbey of St. Gall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Local festivals, concerts, and sporting events also offer many opportunities to immerse oneself in the local culture.


A community with modern infrastructure for everyone

In terms of amenities, the town of Au offers a wide variety of local shops and restaurants, as well as quality schools, health services, and an efficient public transportation network. Residents also have access to several supermarkets and shopping centers, making it easy to access basic products and services.


The town of Au offers an excellent quality of life for residents, at the heart of a clean and safe environment, peaceful for living. Residents benefit from a high-quality healthcare system, as well as a top-notch education system, ranging from primary schools to universities. The town is also located close to several major Swiss cities, offering residents the opportunity to enjoy all that Switzerland has to offer.


Do you want to live in the heart of this diverse and authentic community? With SherlockHomes, easily find an apartment for rent in Au.

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