3 tips for successfully ending your lease early

You are not unaware of the particularity of real estate rentals in Switzerland. An early end of lease involves finding a replacement tenant. From posting free ads on Immoscout24, thanks to the SherlockHomes platform, to the solvency of rental candidates, we give you three valuable tips.

Respect the formalism for an early end of lease

Before even thinking about taking over your lease or, a fortiori, looking for a new apartment to rent, you must focus on respecting the procedures so that your request is valid. It is therefore necessary to start by writing the letter of termination of the lease before term. From then on, you will be able to use the services developed by SherlockHomes and in particular the early lease termination letter generator . Send your letter by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to be sure that the owner is notified.

Prepare an attractive real estate ad for a successful early end of lease

Then, your lease not having expired, you are required to take over this lease. This is the whole difficulty of an early end of lease. By creating an account on SherlockHomes, you will be able to publish your ad for free on the best real estate rental ad platforms, such as Immoscout24. However, it is up to you to write a clear and concise ad highlighting the strengths of the accommodation without omitting potential weak points that are prohibitive for some rental candidates. An early end of the lease effectively transforms us into a real estate salesman since we have to promote a property that does not belong to us. Also, don’t neglect the photos to which candidates attach a lot of importance before scheduling a visit.

Find a solvent replacement tenant to ensure the early end of the lease

Finding people interested in taking over the current rental contract is not enough. Your request for an early end of lease will automatically apply if you collect a file that the landlord cannot refuse. It is therefore necessary to find a solvent replacement tenant, that is to say who has income three times higher than the amount of the rent and who is not the subject of legal proceedings. In addition, this tenant must undertake to take over the lease under the same conditions, not to overoccupy the property and not to disturb the tranquility of the neighborhood. Soliciting SherlockHomes , the specialist in intermediation between outgoing tenant, rental candidate and landlord, guarantees you an early end of the lease without stress since it also manages visits and acceptance of the file.

This article is not exhaustive and does not engage the responsibility of its author.

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