Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are grouped and summarized below, some answers to the most frequently asked questions. This list of questions/answers will be updated regularly. Also note that various questions can be answered among the documents made available to users.

For the 70% of outgoing tenants who terminate a lease early, real estate rental remains a complex and stressful world. After finding a new apartment and terminating the lease, you still have to look for a replacement tenant. A real expert in real estate rental, SherlockHomes can make your life easier. With just a few clicks, you can:


Create your real estate ad for free;
Publish your ad for free on the main real estate platforms;
Plan visits according to your availability.


Finally, SherlockHomes completes its mission, helping candidates build a reliable and solid case for management. You can therefore be confident about finding a replacement for your lease.

Are you a future tenant candidate and would you like to apply for a rental apartment? Still, someone has to respond to your visit request. Rest assured, finding a shoe that fits is possible with SherlockHomes, an expert site in real estate research in Switzerland.


By using SherlockHomes, you have:

Access to a large selection of advertisements mainly from departing tenants;
The possibility of reserving your visit slot in 1 click, and without having to run after a management, often less available.


Remember that SherlockHomes is not a real estate agency. Its mission for the rental candidate? Offer him advertisement offers that correspond to his main criteria, facilitate appointments for visits as well as the administrative procedures related to the creation of a rental file.

Make a visit request in one click on SherlockHomes

To organize a visit to the accommodation with the current tenant or the owner, simply go to the advertisement for the proposed accommodation and choose from one of the available visit slots. To do this, you must have previously created an account on SherlockHomes.


If the time slots are not available on the advertisement, click on "I request a visit", located to the right of the advertisement and indicate your availability for visits (dates and times).


You have requested a visit but nothing is happening?


Once the advertiser has received your visit request, an availability date will be established for the appointment and you will be informed within 48 hours. If you do not have a response to your visit request after this 48-hour period, . We can then contact the advertiser to understand the situation.


You have registered for a visit but you do not have the exact address of the property?


Remember that the address of a property is only provided to people who have booked a visit or who have been contacted by the advertiser, within 48 hours. If you do not have any feedback, please contact us again so that we can intervene.


Also note that you will receive at H-24, the telephone number of the person who will welcome you for the visit.


You don't want to make a visit and file your file directly?

Know that on Sherlockhomes, the visit is a prerequisite for submitting a file with a management, for 2 reasons:


● On the one hand, visiting an apartment is strongly recommended in your interest to check if it corresponds to what you imagined (nothing beats a feeling on the spot).

● On the other hand, it is essential in the interest of our outgoing tenants or our landlords who want to be sure that they do not have a file that is not sufficiently involved and that goes well until the end. The fact of moving and taking time for a visit testifies to a real motivation.


Are they given a contact email? It's always the customer service email. The phone number is also in the footer but the idea being to limit calls so rather on emergencies ex visit in progress and no one is there


or our owners

On SherlockHomes, our property rental listings feature multiple photos. You can view all of these photos by clicking on “show all photos”, at the bottom right of the main image. Note that all the photos in our possession are already published on the ad.


If you wish to have additional photos of the accommodation for rent, contact us so that we can approach the advertiser and ask him to take other additional photos.


Do you like the apartment in pictures? Consider arranging a visit. This is the best way to find out if the apartment really meets your criteria.

On SherlockHomes, the location of a property for rent is indicated in the general information of the ad. If no precise address is indicated, it is because the advertiser does not wish to communicate it for the moment. In this case, the exact address will only be provided to people who have booked a visit or who have been contacted by the advertiser. So, if you like the apartment and meets your criteria, don't hesitate to organize a visit by reserving a time slot or by clicking on "Request a visit", to the right of the ad.

SherlockHomes distributes your real estate ad widely to potential tenants. By creating an account and publishing a free apartment ad for rent on our site, it will be widely relayed. Indeed, we distribute your rental ad in multiple places in order to give it maximum visibility on the main real estate platforms in Switzerland. To know: on (of course) but also on Immoscout24, Anibis, Homegate, classifieds, Comparis, Facebook and more than 20 sites specialized in the rental of real estate.

Are you looking for an apartment to rent? Are you an outgoing owner or tenant looking for a replacement tenant, and you want to publish an ad to put your apartment up for rent? First of all, you need to create an account on SherlockHomes. Creating an account is completely free. Here are the steps to follow:


  1. Go to the homepage of our site
  2. Click on “my account” on the right of the screen
  3. Check “create an account”
  4. Indicate the reason for your registration, by selecting from the drop-down menu:
  • I would like to Search for accommodation (candidate for rental)
  • I want to List a property (owner or outgoing tenant)
  1. Complete the following mandatory fields:
  • Name and Surname
  • Email address
  • Password
  1. Finally, click on “create my account”.

Thanks to SherlockHomes you have rented your apartment and you are now wondering how to delete your ad? We explain how to do it in 3 steps:


Log in to your account and go to your personal space (Dashboard).
Click on “Ads” on the left of the screen.
Click on the “Delete” button to deactivate your ad.


The ad will be immediately removed from the SherlockHomes platform. It will also be deleted from other real estate sites/portals on which it was posted within 24 to 48 hours.


Note: if you are unable to delete your real estate ad, contact our customer service. We can then contact the department concerned to remove the ad.

Do you want to rent out your apartment? Depending on the termination of the lease, on expiry or before the end, the procedures are not the same. Indeed, in Switzerland, the termination of a lease has certain particularities. Calculating the notice, sending the termination letter, looking for a replacement tenant, inventory... Find step by step, all the steps to take to leave a rental, in our article: how to return your apartment when you are a tenant ?


Remember that if you leave your apartment earlier, before the end of the lease, you must take specific steps for early termination. In particular, you must find a replacement tenant. In this case, trusting SherlockHomes, a site specializing in connecting rental candidates and outgoing tenants, will ensure that you can publish your ad for free on the most popular real estate rental platforms, such as Anibis. and Immoscout.

Have you visited an apartment offered for rent that suits you and now you want to apply to become the new tenant of the premises? In this case, it is better to follow some valuable advice to apply for an apartment to rent and put the odds on your side for your application to be accepted. Income, solvency, good morals, rental guarantee... Find all our recommendations in our article: how to apply for an apartment?

Do you want to apply for a rental apartment and are you wondering how to compile a solid and complete rental file and what documents to put in this file to rent an apartment? Presentation sheet, proof of identity, proof of income, documents attesting to your solvency and your good morals... Find all the obligations and our recommendations in our article: how to make a good rental file?

Do you want to end your lease early and want to return your apartment earlier? You have the option of breaking your rental contract before it expires provided you find a replacement tenant. It is an obligation for the outgoing tenant. Indeed, in the case of early termination of the lease, Swiss law requires that the owner be provided with candidates to take over the lease without modifying the conditions. Find all the steps to take to find a replacement tenant and our advice in our article: finding a replacement tenant for my apartment.


Trust SherlockHomes and benefit from a specialized service in connecting outgoing tenants and candidate replacement tenants. Bonus: by publishing your ad for free on our site, it will also be broadcast on some twenty of the most popular real estate rental platforms, such as Anibis, Immoscout, Homegate...

Do you want to leave your accommodation earlier and terminate your rental lease before the end? For this, you must write a lease termination letter. Calculation of the notice of termination, example of a letter of early termination, search for a replacement tenant… Find our advice for terminating your lease and writing a termination letter, in our article: all you need to know about terminating a lease.


Note: on SherlockHomes, via our partner PlanYourMove, we offer several very useful tools in this situation: a termination letter generator and an end of lease calculator.

On SherlockHomes, you can publish your property rental ad for free and easily. Once your ad has been created, its validation is very fast, just a few minutes. Then, it is published on SherlockHomes instantly after this validation.


SherlockHomes also provides multicasting of your ad on more than 20 sites specializing in property rentals. Note that publication on partner websites can take up to 4 hours.


Note: after the publication and multicast of your ad, our team will contact you to welcome you and help you optimize your property rental ad, if necessary.

Once your rental ad has been created and published on SherlockHomes (and on the various real estate portals in Switzerland), it remains visible, without time limit. Indeed, it remains online, as long as you are looking for a tenant or a replacement tenant.


Once your apartment is rented, all you have to do is delete your ad to stop it being put online and distributed on SherlockHomes. Allow 24 to 48 hours for it to also be deleted on the other partner sites on which it was broadcast.

On SherlockHomes, you can publish a real estate ad for free to rent out your apartment. In order to make future rental candidates want to come and visit your accommodation and file a file, offering quality photos is essential.


Thus, when creating your ad, you must import photos of the accommodation. For this, here are 3 elements to take into account:


  • It is possible to import up to 11 photos maximum per ad;
  • Accepted photo formats are .png, .jpeg or .jpg;
  • The maximum size per file is limited to 10MB.

Do you want to submit your application for a rental apartment and are you wondering who validates your file and who has access to it? By choosing SherlockHomes for your apartment search, you can, in your personal space, create and compile your rental file, even before visiting apartments. After each visit, an “apply” button appears on your dashboard. This allows, in one click, to send an email to the attention of the person in charge of the apartment (the management or the owner). This e-mail includes a personalized message and all the attachments constituting your file in order to apply for a rental apartment.

Once the rental file has been created with the requested documents and supporting documents, it is validated by our internal tool. Once validated, you can apply to all the ads published on SharlockHomes. Of course, to put the odds on your side, your file must be in line with the type of tenant sought, in terms of solvency in particular.

To find out which documents to put in a rental file, read our article: how to make a good rental file?

SherlockHomes helps rental candidates in creating their file to more easily apply for a rental apartment. But is it possible to update the information of his file once it is completed? Sure ! At any time, the file can be updated. To do this, just follow these steps:


  1. Login to your account from the SherlockHomes home page;
  2. Click on “My file” in your personal space;
  3. Then, modify the fields to be updated;
  4. Finally, press "Save" to save the changes.

It is necessary to create a rental file to apply for a rental apartment. This makes it possible to send various documents and supporting documents to the lessor or to the management responsible for choosing and accepting (or not) a candidate so that they become the new tenant of the apartment.


On the other hand, you are not obliged to create a file to search and view the ads published on SherlockHomes. The creation of an account is enough to browse the real estate advertisements and make requests for visits.


Be aware, however, that it is recommended to compile your rental file in your personal space, before a visit, to save time in case of crush. In addition, some landlords wish to know certain information before the visit of a prospective tenant. Providing information in advance also makes it easier to have visit proposals.

Are you an outgoing owner or tenant looking for a replacement tenant, and would you like to submit an ad to rent out your apartment? To create and publish a real estate ad for free, here are the steps to follow:


  1. Go to the home page of our website
  2. Create your account as an advertiser by selecting in the menu "Propose accommodation";
  3. Once your account has been created, you must click on "Add an advertisement".


When creating your ad, you will then need to fill in the following information:


  1. The address of the property;
  2. Information about your property: type of accommodation, rent, charges, living area, number of rooms, date of availability of the accommodation...
  3. The characteristics of the accommodation and the description of the ad;
  4. Import photos of the accommodation.


Once the ad has been created, it will be published free of charge on SherlockHomes but also on around twenty real estate portals in Switzerland (Immoscout, Anibis, Homegate...) for wide distribution.

You must authenticate