Home rental blog in Switzerland

Zen rental information

Tenant: 4 things your landlord can demand

Tenant: 4 things your landlord can demand

After renting out a property, a landlord has obligations and rights towards the occupier. In accordance with the legislation in force, the status of landlord allows him to make certain[...]

Early lease termination: the 3 key deadlines to remember!

Early lease termination: the 3 key deadlines to remember!

Early lease termination is when a tenant wishes to end their rental contract before the date initially agreed. This can be due to many different factors (purchase of a new property, move for professional or personal reasons, desire to change accommodation). In this event, certain deadlines must be respected. And[...]

5 tips for saving energy and limiting rental charges

5 tips for saving energy and limiting rental charges

Avec l’augmentation des coûts de l’électricité, du pétrole et du gaz, les charges d’appartement en location connaissent aussi l’inflation. Mais comment faire des économies d’énergie dans le but de réduire vos charges locatives pour votre logement à Genève ou ailleurs en Suisse ?[...]

Bathroom maintenance or repairs: who pays what between tenant and landlord?

Bathroom maintenance or repairs: who pays what between tenant and landlord?

Whatever the terms of a rental agreement, it is essential to consider the rights and responsibilities of the tenant. This concerns, amongst other things, the maintenance of the bathroom facilities. Indeed, some tasks are the responsibility of the occupant, while others remain the responsibility of the owner.[...]

5 Good Reasons to Live in the Countryside

5 Good Reasons to Live in the Countryside

One might think that those who choose to leave the city and live in the countryside are simply looking for more affordable rent or trading their apartment for a house. However, there are other reasons to opt for a rental far from urban centers.[...]

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