Home rental blog in Switzerland

Real estate market in Switzerland

5 tips to prepare for your move

5 tips to prepare for your move

You are leaving your apartment in Geneva for a new apartment or house to rent in Switzerland and a question arises: how to prepare for your move? It must be said that this event requires a large organization, and also involves significant costs. That's why we give you some valuable[...]

How to rent your flat quickly?

How to rent your flat quickly?

The departure of a tenant, when it is anticipated, often involves significant termination costs. Hence the need to find a buyer quickly. But how can you rent your flat quickly in order to terminate your lease early? What are the steps to rent your flat as quickly as possible How[...]

How to terminate your lease easily?

How to terminate your lease easily?

Découvrez comment résilier son bail de location en toute simplicité suivant son besoin grâce aux explications détaillées de SherlockHomes.[...]

I signed a lease: how can I return a rental apartment early?

I signed a lease: how can I return a rental apartment early?

Vous avez trouvé un nouvel appartement à louer plus spacieux, plus moderne ou mieux placé ? Vous devez prendre un nouveau poste ou poursuivre vos études dans une autre ville, et vous avez déjà contracté avec le propriétaire ? Quelle que soit la raison de son départ, il demeure possible[...]

Can I cancel a lease during the month?

Can I cancel a lease during the month?

Le droit suisse impose que le locataire paye son loyer jusqu’au terme de son contrat de location. Cependant, il existe une solution afin de lui laisser la possibilité de résilier un bail en cours de mois et par anticipation, c’est-à-dire sans mener le bail à terme. Il doit pour cela[...]

How to optimize the cleaning of your apartment after your move

How to optimize the cleaning of your apartment after your move

You have found a new apartment to rent and you have terminated your lease. To be sure not to have your deposit deducted by the real estate agency, you should return the apartment in perfect condition or at least in the condition in which you found it. It is therefore[...]

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