Home rental blog in Switzerland

The guide to simplified rental management

Rental yield rules

Rental yield rules

Investing in real estate is an exciting prospect that can generate a steady income over the long term. But to[...]

Tenant's Remedies Against Rent Increases Imposed by the Landlord

Tenant's Remedies Against Rent Increases Imposed by the Landlord

Your landlord informs you of a rent increase for your accommodation in Geneva or elsewhere in Switzerland, and naturally, you have certain questions. Can the landlord unilaterally decide to raise the rent? What can the tenant do to oppose it? Here are some answers.[...]

How to Terminate a Lease Early as a Property Owner?

How to Terminate a Lease Early as a Property Owner?

In certain circumstances, a tenant can terminate their lease early. This possibility is also available from the perspective of the property owner or landlord. It is necessary to justify the decision and adhere to the required administrative procedures. How should a property owner go about terminating a lease?[...]

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