Apartments for rent in Therwil

Therwil is a Swiss municipality located in the canton of Basel-Landschaft, just a few kilometers from the city of Basel. This small rural village offers a peaceful and quiet setting to its inhabitants. Residents enjoy the surrounding nature and the numerous activities offered while being close to major urban centers.


Therwil, a town with many natural wonders

The municipality of Therwil is located in the Upper Rhine region and is part of the canton of Basel-Landschaft. The town is surrounded by natural parks that offer a great diversity of landscapes, including the Jura forest and the mountains of the Mittelland.

One can admire breathtaking landscapes, with green hills and lush grasslands under a blue sky. The shining sun reflects on the surface of the lakes, creating a sparkling mirror that echoes the good mood of the walkers. It is an ideal destination for those who want to recharge their batteries and enjoy the natural beauty offered by Therwil. The river is the jewel of the region, winding peacefully between the mountains and offering a unique serenity to those who have the chance to cross it.


Therwil, a dynamic and cultural town

Swiss culture is very strong in Therwil, where one can find museums, restaurants and shops offering typical products. The Therwil train station connects the village to the suburbs of Basel, which is known for its many cultural and historical attractions, including the famous Basel Cathedral.

Do you want to move to this real paradise on earth? With the real estate platform SherlockHomes, easily find an apartment for rent in Therwil.

Apartments in Therwil for rent

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