The economic vitality and location, between lake and mountains, are two good reasons to look for an apartment to rent in the canton of Geneva.
Between 2000 and 2020, the canton’s population increased from 408,000 to 508,000 inhabitants. That means the real estate market is tight. And that is why there has been a lot of new construction and many people who want to rent are looking at new apartments for rent in the canton of Geneva. But it is still getting harder and harder to find an apartment to rent in Geneva, the canton’s capital, which has great international appeal.
While Geneva, the headquarters of many international organizations, attracts many people from other regions of Switzerland and other regions of the world, the towns surrounding it, particularly on either side of Lake Geneva, are all places that reserve real estate opportunities. Calmer and more natural, these While Geneva, where many international organizations have their headquarters, attracts a lot of people from other regions in Switzerland and around the world, the cities around it on both sides of Lake Geneva, have plenty of real estate opportunities. Calmer and greener, the communities further away from downtown Geneva are places where you can find a less expensive apartment to rent in the canton of Geneva. To find an apartment to rent in the canton of Geneva, read the “apartment for rent” ads on SherlockHomes, the real estate expert in Geneva and Switzerland.