Municipality of the canton of Vaud, Cugy is a village whose demography has exploded over the past fifty years. But then can you still find an apartment to rent in Cugy VD?
If the village now has 2,760 inhabitants, there were only 300 until the 1960s. But the 1970s saw several areas of activity emerge from the ground on the perimeter of Cugy. By welcoming more and more companies, new inhabitants have naturally chosen to rent an apartment in Cugy VD, and many real estate programs have been built. So much so that the village had 1,350 inhabitants in the 1980s, and 2,000 in the 2000s. Today, many Lausanne residents come every day to work in the areas of Cugy VD. It must be said that line 60 connects Cugy to the center of Lausanne. And signing an apartment for rent in Cugy VD means ensuring that you live as close as possible to a particularly dynamic employment pool.
Cugy allows its inhabitants to have all the services, to work near their accommodation, and this while being closer to nature. Because Cugy remains a village nestled in the heart of a haven of peace north of Lake Geneva. It is not for nothing that the municipality proclaims it loud and clear as a slogan: “nature at the gates of the city”. Investing in an apartment rental in Cugy VD therefore means enjoying the advantages of the city without its inconveniences (traffic jams, pollution, etc.).