Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854

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CHF 1'930 /month

Including charges of CHF150

General information

Postal address

Rue Louis Favez 20, Parisienne, la, Leysin 1854


Availabilities : Not disclosed


3.5 Rooms


3th floor

Area m2


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Appartement de 3,5 piÞces au dernier Útage d'un immeuble sans ascenseur, comprenant :á

  • entrÚe avec armoires murales
  • espace sÚjour, salle Ó manger
  • cuisine ÚquipÚeá
  • deux grandes chambres Ó coucher
  • salle de bainá
  • balcon sud
  • jouissance exclusive de la terrasse de toit
  • buanderie commune

L'appartement peut-Ûtre louÚ meublÚ ou non-meublÚ, Ó choix.

Loyer mensuel 1780.-á
acompte de charges 150.-á
parking extÚrieur 70.-á
Total 2'000.-/ mensuelá

Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854
Apartment 3.5 rooms in Leysin 1854



  • BalconyBalcony
  • Nice viewNice view
  • Outdoor parking spaceOutdoor parking space


CHF 1'930 /month

Including charges of CHF150

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