City acclaimed for its heritage, its environment and its cultural events, Morges proudly displays its assets, and many are those who wish to take possession of an apartment to rent in Morges.
As evidenced by the Neolithic site of Roseaux, Morges has a very long history. In the Middle Ages, Morges even became the seasonal residence of the court of Savoy. The castle of Morges, the Auberge de la Croix Blanche or the town hall bear witness to the rich heritage of Morges, which the new inhabitants of an apartment to rent in Morges will never be able to get tired of. Especially since Morges is also very popular for its temperate climate, thanks to Lake Geneva which it borders.
It is no coincidence that the demography here is constantly climbing to reach 16,000 inhabitants. It must be said that the city has a powerful transport network and that it attracts newcomers thanks to the notoriety in particular of the famous Tulip Festival, which attracts more than 100,000 visitors each year. Comedy festival, design fair, sculpture symposium, book fair, events around wine… The events are rich and numerous. Something to punctuate the lives of those who have opted for an apartment rental in Morges. And those who cannot find what they are looking for can consult SherlockHomes for advertisements of apartments for rent in Morges.