Pour louer un appartement à Genève, l’une des villes majeures de Suisse, il faut faire face à de la concurrence. Aussi, quelques conseils vous seront précieux pour éviter d’avoir recours à une agence immobilière de Genève.
Rent an apartment in Geneva thanks to an attractive ad
Vous souhaitez acheter ou louer un nouveau logement mais êtes toujours tenu par un bail ? Vous êtes propriétaire d’un bien immobilier genevois et souhaitez procéder à la location d’appartement à Genève ? Quelle que soit votre situation, il est préférable de vous passer des services d’une agence immobilière à Genève qui va nécessairement capter une commission. Il faut donc commencer par préparer une annonce capable de retenir l’attention des candidats. Rédigez une annonce simple avec tous les renseignements élémentaires : prix, quartier, surface, nombre de pièces… Prêtez également une attention particulière à la qualité des photos car les candidats y accordent bien souvent une grande importance.
Rent an apartment in Geneva quickly thanks to a wide distribution
Then, regardless of the quality of the apartment for rent and the advertisement prepared, if you do not use the right distribution channels, no one will be able to consult it. Also, you can create a SherlockHomes account , specializing in the distribution and intermediation of tenants. All candidates for apartment rental in Geneva will thus be able to discover the property you are offering through a publication on several real estate platforms, such as Immoscout24, Anibis, Comparis, Facebook as well as on around twenty other platforms. And this, whether they are Genevans or future French expatriates still working on the other side of the border. This is the advantage of the site which allows free multicasting of your ad.
Rent an apartment in Geneva easily thanks to SherlockHomes
Renting an apartment in Geneva can turn out to be quite easy. Just surround yourself well. SherlockHomes seems to be the ideal partner to find solvent candidates interested in your apartment for rent. You will only have to inform SherlockHomes of your availability and the visits will be automatically scheduled accordingly. He then collects the applications, informs you of them, and even helps the candidates to prepare the sending of their file to the management until a new tenant is validated by the owner. Renting an apartment in Geneva or in any other Swiss city is therefore no longer an obstacle course.
This article is not exhaustive and does not engage the responsibility of its author.