Moving into a new flat is usually a joy-filled moment for new tenants. However, behind the lure of the new apartment, there's a lot of red tape to deal with. To make this less of a hassle, we offer you lists of who to notify for a change of address category by category.
For a change of’address, who to report list by list ? Starting with the various authorities:
Wondering who to notify about a change of’address ? All your insurances must be prepared:
Naturally, certain services also need to êute;be prévenus :
Changing flat, whether in the same town or in the same building, requires you to notify certain suppliers, even before your move:
You must also report your change of address to a number of telecommunications organisations:
À note that there is no need to present Serafe, the body that collects the radio and television licence fee, since the commune is responsible for this.
It is also important to tell your employer that your address has changed, as they may have to send you a registered letter in certain cases.
Of course, if you subscribe to Le Temps, Le Matin or magazines, you will need to tell them your new address.
Voilà in the case of a change of address that prévenir en liste catégorielle.
Be aware that in most cases, it is possible to easily clarify your change of address directly on the website of the organisation concerned, by taking a new proof of address dématérialisé.
And if you want to simplify these steps for yourself, you can use the tool developed by SherlockHomes, PlanYouMove, your home improvement personal assistant.
This article is not exhaustive and the author accepts no responsibility or liability for its content.