Finding a replacement tenant for my flat

To hope to leave your home before the end of the lease without having to pay any fees, you must find a replacement tenant. So to put all the chances on your side, trust SherlockHomes. 

Before finding a replacement tenant, prepare your flat

Without talking about an inventory of fixtures, it is advisable to “make a beauty” to your accommodation before even creating an ad aimed at finding a replacement tenant. It is therefore advisable to carry out the necessary minor work before putting the flat up for rent. This could be the seals in the bathroom or a coat of paint, for example. 

In any case, it is also preferable to de-clutter and depersonalise the place, as we tend to accumulate objects (gifts, travel souvenirs, collections) and this personal decoration can prevent the candidate (and potential replacement tenant) from projecting himself in this flat rental and therefore from submitting an application more quickly. Also, try to make your property neutral, like a holiday flat ready to welcome new tenants. 

Find a replacement tenant with an attractive advertisement

Are you going to have to end your lease early and want to give up your flat early? This means that you need to find a solvent replacement tenant that the landlord cannot refuse. To do this, you need to put all the chances on your side. Step 1: Prepare an advertisement that will attract the maximum number of applicants. Indeed, to attract candidates, it is not enough to have the most beautiful flat to rent in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich or in any other city in Switzerland. It is also necessary to write the ad that will attract the best possible candidates. 

So be specific in your rental ad. Don’t forget to specify the location, the rent, the surface area and the number of rooms as well as the remaining period of the lease. 

The strengths of the flat to be rented should be highlighted and if the flat to be rented has a defect that is significant enough to be prohibitive, it may be wise to mention it in order to avoid organising useless visits. 

Of course, you should also take care of the photos in your rental advertisement as they can really make the difference between two properties on the market.

Use SherlockHomes to find a replacement tenant easily

If prospective tenants often rely on SherlockHomes to investigate and find the most beautiful flat to rent in Geneva, Lausanne or Fribourg, you can also request the services of the real estate detective in order to find a replacement tenant. 

Once your account is created, SherlockHomes will post your ad and, after collecting your availability, schedule visits and even forward the files of interested parties to the management company, until a candidate is accepted and you can terminate your lease early. Elementary…

Wide dissemination of the advertisement

Choosing the right distributor for your ad is an essential step in finding a serious replacement tenant in the shortest possible time. The advantage of SherlockHomes? A wide distribution of your real estate ad. Trusting this detective, who specialises in putting prospective tenants in touch with outgoing tenants, will ensure that your advert is published FREE of charge on more than 20 of the most popular property rental platforms, such as Anibis, Immoscout and many others. A grain of time and savings! 

Optimal organisation of visits

Another advantage of posting an ad on SherlockHomes to find a replacement tenant? The organisation of visits. People interested in your ad can make an appointment very easily. All you have to do is indicate your availability and SherlockHomes takes care of the rest. All you have to do is welcome the candidates to show them the property. If they are interested, they can send their file on the platform, and SherlockHomes will keep you informed of the follow-up until the landlord accepts them. 

Finally, an additional advantage of going through SherlockHomes is the fact that you are no longer bothered by numerous contacts for your ad, as all requests are centralised, whether by email or by telephone.

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