You have found a new apartment to rent and you have terminated your lease. To be sure not to have your deposit deducted by the real estate agency, you should return the apartment in perfect condition or at least in the condition in which you found it. It is therefore necessary to anticipate the cleaning of the apartment after the move.
Preparing to clean your apartment after your move
The cleaning of his apartment after the move is prepared, in the sense that it is necessary to allow sufficient time to clean and possibly renovate the property that may have deteriorated over the years. Also, in the event that you move on a Saturday, it is preferable to keep the apartment until the following Monday or even the one after. Because one day of cleaning is not always enough. To make sure that the inventory of fixtures of the rented apartment goes well, it is indeed better not to be satisfied with a sweep.
Cleaning an apartment after moving
Therefore, plan a minimum of one day to properly clean your apartment after moving. While it is easier to clean an empty apartment, the task ahead is time consuming. In addition to cleaning the windows, the cupboards, the floor or the shower, the tenant’s exit implies that he cleans the faucets thoroughly by descaling them and emptying the siphon for example. And if the apartment contains household appliances, it will be necessary, depending on the case, to strip the oven, defrost the refrigerator, replace the filter of the hood…
When cleaning an apartment after moving is not enough
When emptying your apartment, you may notice that an electrical outlet has come loose, that the frames have left marks on the wall… Items that are not included in the inventory of fixtures when you leave your rented apartment. The exit of the tenant thus passes sometimes by some work of electricity, of re-corking of holes, of repair of joints and of course of painting. This is why it is wise to allow a few days between the move and the inventory of fixtures. And if you wish to avoid all these constraints, you can also call upon MoveAgain, a real specialist in moving and cleaning apartments, and a partner of the real estate platform SherlockHomes, accessible from the apartment for rent ads.
This article is not exhaustive and does not engage the responsibility of its author.