Everything you need to know about the joint tenancy for a shared apartment

Reduce your rent, avoid loneliness, share the costs of furnishings and utilities... so many positive sides to renting an apartment to several people. But, for everything to go well, it's best to do things by the book and sign a shared lease.


The principle of the

shared tenancy agreement

When a couple rents a property, they sign a rental agreement with the real estate owner. Both spouses are then listed on the lease. The rule of joint and several liability then applies. For roommates, it is exactly the same except that there may be three or more roommates renting a single property. A joint and several lease means that all the co-tenants are liable to the landlord. In practice, if one of the roommates stops paying his or her share of the rent, the property owneris able to demand payment from the other roommate. Also, before committing to a roommate, it is advisable to make sure of his creditworthiness and the sustainability of his income. In any case, he or she is expected to provide proof at the time of constituting the rental file. The shared tenancyimplies that all tenants have equal rights.


Exiting a

shared tenancy

Sometimes, living together doesn't go as smoothly as planned. However, you cannot unilaterally decide to leave the unit and extract yourself from the lease agreement. The joint and several lease does indeed protect the roommates in the sense that you cannot find yourself alone being liable for the rents after successive defections. To terminate the lease in advance, all the tenants must sign a letter of termination. It will then be up to the departing tenants to find a replacement tenant or tenants to take over the lease under the same terms as originally signed. SherlockHomesfurthermore makes this job easier for you by offering to publish an ad for free and arrange for viewings and the construction of the rental file.


Alternatives to

solidarity-based leasing for a roommate

You want to share a property while avoiding the potential inconvenience of a solidarity-based leasing in a roommatehousehold? It's possible, but risks remain. Explanation. Rather than co-renting, you can sublet. Either you are the main tenant, the only one committed to the lease, and you charge rent to your tenants. Or you pay rent to the main tenant, who will be the sole interlocutor of the landlord. The main tenant takes the risk of having his roommates interrupt their payments. The sub-tenant, on the other hand, is dependent on the main tenant's willingness to terminate the lease agreement. Note that the property owner must be informed of the terms of the sublease.

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