For property owners in Switzerland, paying rent can be a complex and time-consuming task. It is important to be aware of the various stages and obligations involved in this activity. But above all, find out how Sherlock Homes makes it easier for you to manage rents and bills, avoiding any delays.
The amount of rent must be clearly stated in the tenancy agreement. The same applies to taxes and statutory charges relating to the property. The landlord can set any rent he wishes, but it must remain in line with the local property market.
Note that the amount of rent and service charges is generally adjustable each year. But whether the rent is increased or reduced, this must be done under certain strict conditions imposed by law.
Tenants must also be informed of the terms of payment of their rent. For example, the rent payment date must also be clearly stated in the tenancy agreement. Once the lease has been signed, the tenant is then obliged to respect the contract and pay the rent and service charges on time. Note that the tenant has up to 5 working days from the date of commencement to pay the rent.
Did you know? If the tenant fails to pay the rent, the landlord can send a reminder and then refer the matter to the competent cantonal court and ask for the lease to be terminated.
There are several ways to pay your rent in Switzerland: by bank transfer, automatic payment, credit card or even by QR code.
When you rent your flat, each month you must send an invoice à your tenant. The invoice must contain the following information: the amount of rent, the method of payment and the bank details for the bank transfer (or other method of payment). You can send the invoice by post, e-mail or text message.
This notice to pay rent is a document that notifies the tenant that they have to pay the rent requested. Once this has been paid, the sum received serves as proof of payment and confirms that the landlord has received the rent agreed between the two parties.
At SherlockHomes, we understand that paying rent and sending invoices can be a time-consuming and complex task for landlords. That's why we've developed online tools to help you manage this process, with the aim of making property management more worry-free.
We offer you a high-performance, customised online function to manage your rental receipts and invoices. It enables invoices to be automatically digested and sent to your tenant at the end of each month. To make payment easier, tenants can even pay their rent with one click, secured by a QR Code. We also offer an automatic reminder tool if you forget to pay.
Our online platform is completely free of charge and also allows you to track payment progress in real time. So all you have to do is log in to your SherlockHomes account online to find out whether the rent has been paid or not.
More broadly, our rental management service,offers you another feature that can prove to be a considerable asset in simplifying the management of your property (and that of rent payments). Sherlock automatically generates a lease certified by your canton. This simplifies everything from a legal point of view, and everyone's obligations regarding rent payments are clear and in line with the law. Note, of course, that the legal validity of the documents signed by the parties concerned is always verified.
This article is not exhaustive and does not engage the responsibility of its author.