Propriétaire : peut-on louer un appartement avec un locataire sans attestation du registre de l’office des poursuites ?

It is strongly recommended that, before renting a flat to a tenant, landlords obtain an extract from the debt-collection office (or certificate of non-prosecution) to ensure that the tenant has no debts and is able to pay the rent. Explanations. 

The extract from the debt enforcement register, an essential document for checking the tenant's solvency

The Debt Collection Office is a body that manages the recovery of debts, including debts, taxes and fines. Before letting a flat to a tenant, landlords are strongly advised to obtain a certificate from the debt-collection office. This certificate is necessary to ensure that the tenant is not in debt, or in default of payment of a debt or tax, and is therefore able to pay the rent. This is an important measure because it allows landlords to be sure of the solvency of their tenants and therefore to rent out their property with greater peace of mind. 

What are the consequences if a landlord does not request the certificate from the debt enforcement office register?

If a landlord does not request the certificate from the debt-collection office's register, he is exposing himself to considerable risks. The landlord may find himself with a tenant who is unable to pay his rent or who has not settled his debts. This can lead to financial difficulties for the landlord and unpleasant surprises. For a landlord, it is therefore important to choose a tenant with a solid and complete track record when signing a property rental contract.

Rental management with Sherlock: the advantages of automatic tenant screening 

By using SherlockHomes for the rental management of your property you benefit from a feature that allows automatic screening of applicants. It’s an effective solution for landlords who want to facilitate their tenant search process. 


Sherlock thus selects only those applicants who meet the rental criteria requested by the landlord, such as income, solvency and possibly rental history. This means you can quickly find the ideal tenant for your property. 

Avoid bad tenants and rent payment problems

With credit checks and rental screening, Sherlock weeds out applicants who have financial problems or have had rental problems in the past. This considerably reduces the risk of unpaid rent.

How to obtain an extract from the debt enforcement register?

The Swiss cantons all have a public service calledé Office cantonal des poursuites. However, it is the Office itself that delivers the extract from the debt collection office. Sherlock also provides tenants with a simple, secure solution for obtaining a certificate of non-prosecution, and they can easily create their file online. In this way, landlords can check whether their future tenant has this document (certifying that they are not being pursued for any debts) and therefore be reassured that they will pay their rent on time.


This article is not exhaustive and the author accepts no responsibility for it.

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