Rental management: alone or accompanied?

Do you have an apartment to rent in Geneva or elsewhere? Two solutions are available to you in terms of rental management: manage the rental yourself with the risks that this entails and the time that it requires or delegate your rental to a specialist in real estate rental in Switzerland.

Rental management alone: the obstacle course

When you decide to put your apartment for rent in Geneva on the market, you can expect to encounter some difficulties. You must already find a channel to broadcast your ad as widely as possible. The best way to reach a large number of candidates remains of course a publication on a specialized website. Then, you have to answer calls from interested candidates, which sometimes number in the dozens, and set them an appointment. A schedule that becomes difficult to keep when working. You will then need to select the best file for the rental apartment. Check the information that is communicated, check that the candidates are solvent and actually earn three times the amount of the rent, make sure that they will not overoccupy the accommodation or cause nuisance for the neighborhood… Not easy when you don’t is not in the business, and risky in the event of a poor assessment of the accepted candidate.

Delegation of rental management to a real estate agency

Calling on a real estate agency in Switzerland means that you don’t have to deal with all these inconveniences, especially when you have to organize many visits. Just let the real estate professionals do it. However, you run the risk of feeling somewhat dispossessed of your property, of no longer controlling much and the commission for the agency promises to be high. So what alternative for better rental management?

Stress-free rental management with SherlockHomes

In the world of real estate rental professionals, there are not only physical agencies. With SherlockHomes , whether you are an owner or an outgoing tenant looking for a replacement tenant, all your steps are made easier. Your ad is published for free on the main real estate platforms. SherlockHomes manages the schedule of visits according to the availability you have indicated. We can also guide you in the constitution of your file and in the preparation of its elements.

This article is not exhaustive and does not engage the responsibility of its author.


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