Once you have found a tenant, you will need to draft and sign a lease. You'll also need to determine the amount of rent and payment terms. We take a look at this important step in renting a property. And we explain how, at SherlockHomes, we have decided to simplify your life as a landlord.
Lease and rental management: what the law says
In Switzerland, regardless of the canton in which your property is located, the rental lease is framed by strict rules. These rules are designed to protect the rights and interests of both tenants and landlords. They define the legal framework of the relationship between the two parties and provide for the obligations and responsibilities of each.
A rental lease is a contract between a landlord (or lessor) and a tenant that defines the rights and obligations of both parties. It is important that the lease be clearly and precisely written to protect the interests of both parties. In a lease, there are usually clauses that define the term of the lease, the amount and frequency of rent payments, the terms of use of the premises, the terms of cancellation or termination of the lease, the responsibilities of the parties in the event of a problem or dispute, etc.
Lessor's obligations before signing a real estate lease
The lessor has the obligation to ensure that the real estate is in good condition before signing the contract. This is the whole point of a statement of condition done properly. It must also ensure that the tenant understands its obligations and rights under the contract. Again, the entrance inventory of fixtures is a key moment that should not be botched. The landlord must also ensure that the tenant is able to pay rent on time and will abide by all terms of the contract.
The signing of the lease by the tenant and landlord
Whether or not your property is located in Vaud, Neuchâtel, Geneva, Berne Valais, Jura or Fribourg, the signing of the lease is proof of the agreement between the two parties and represents a crucial step in the rental process. Therefore, it is essential that both tenants and landlords understand what is happening when they sign a lease. It allows both parties to formalize their agreement and to be sure that all conditions are met. It allows the landlord to be certain that their property will be used according to the terms of the contract.
Self-generated lease and online signing: how about letting SherlockHomes help you with your day-to-day landlording
Good news, this process can be simplified with SherlockHomes because we take our help to landlords even further For one thing, you don't have to do anything to set up the lease. We take care of everything. Thanks to the information given by the tenant-candidate and all the information we have on your property and your situation, the lease is self-completing and self-adjusting. No need to worry, the lease model we use is approved by the canton. Once the document is ready and validated, no time is wasted. In fact, our rental management assistance service allows tenants and landlords to sign a lease remotely without having to physically visit.
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