Locataire : les 3 arguments qui font un meilleur dossier pour louer un appartement à Lausanne<

The city of Lausanne is renowned for its living environment and quality of life. It stands out for its environment, its heritage and its economic dynamism, particularly when it comes to real estate. Renting a flat in Lausanne is therefore particularly popular. Hence the importance of taking care with your rental application and presenting solid references in order to obtain the accommodation you want.


Prove a stable financial situation

When applying to rent a flat, your resources are one of the main criteria taken into account by landlords. As a general rule, your income should be two to three times higher than the rent. However, a salary does not automatically mean that you can rent a property. This is because you need to guarantee a stable and sustainable income.


From the lessors' point of view, a precarious or temporary financial situation is a real deterrent. Another aspect not to be overlooked is the regularity of your payments. In order to prove your good faith and the reliability of your application, your full application to rent a flat must include a certificate of solvency and an extract from the register of debtors. The latter is also known as a certificate of non-prosecution.


Have good references with your former landlord


For a proposed flat rental in Lausanne, or any other city, a solid rental file contains potential références. Although this is a subsidiary section, it is nonetheless essential if we are to consider the quality of your application. In principle, this will consist of one or more letters of recommendation from former owners. These documents may mention the regularity of payments and good relations with the neighbours. The good condition and care taken in maintaining a property are particularly valued qualities in a rental file for a flat.


Présenter un dossier de location complet

Presenting a complete rental file for a flat may seem empty. However, the care taken to provide exhaustive information suggests that it takes a great deal of time. Furthermore, the lessor or landlord will be quick to contact you for further information. They prefer to use flat rental files that contain all the information they need to select a tenant. By way of illustration, all of these arguments apply to renting a flat in Lausanne as well as in other Swiss conurbations.


In order to help you in your steps, SherlockHomes offers you personalised support. For your flat rental file, this may involve the ordering a certificate of non-prosecution, a solvency certificate or an unblocked guarantee deposit.


This article is not exhaustive and does not incur the liability of its author.

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