Que faire en cas de loyers impayés ?

&Becoming a property owner is not just about collecting rent. You generally have to take care of rental management and pay the monthly instalments for the property in question. Unpaid rent can therefore put the individual owner in a difficult financial position. This is why action must be taken before the situation is allowed to deteriorate.


Unpaid rent : the recovery procedure

Your tenants are starting to struggle to pay their rent on time. Whatever the reasons, it's a good idea to quickly activate the procedure for recovering unpaid rent. If these unpaid rents accumulate, it will become increasingly difficult to collect them. Especially as it can take several months for the legal proceedings to reach a successful conclusion. If your tenant has not paid the rent on time, you have the right to send a formal notice and set a deadline for payment. The tenant will then have 30 days from receipt of the letter to rectify the situation. If he fails to make payment, you can notify him of the early termination of the lease.


Unpaid rent: early termination of the lease

Unless the tenant pays the full amount of unpaid rent specified in the formal notice, the property owner has the option of terminating the tenancy agreement early. This notice must be sent to both spouses when a couple rents the property in question. A certain amount of formality must be observed for this type of agreement. There is a one-month period before the lease is effectively terminated, plus the days up to the end of the current month. Please note: the tenant may contest this or remain in the premises, in which case legal action will have to be taken. Legal advice is greatly needed in this case.


How can I avoid unpaid rent and simplify my rental management ?

To avoid such situations, it is possible to optimise your rental management without having to make any effort. SherlockHomes offers you the opportunity to outsource free of charge the management of invoicing and reminders in the event of unpaid rent. The platform offers a service for automating the invoicing process. In this way, you take care of all your rental management tasks, while avoiding the need to use the services of a management company and keeping track of your tenants.

Concretely, each month the rent invoice is sent to the tenant with the amount and the payment due date. The tenant will also be provided with a QR code to make it easier to pay the rent using the banking application. SherlockHomes takes care of everything. This ranges from issuing the invoice to checking that the payment has been correctly received in your bank account (see the list of available banking partners), including any reminders.

All the’history of course remainsûr available on your SherlockHomes account. This automation is the ideal way to limit the risk of unpaid rent, thanks in particular to rigorous rental management.


This article is not exhaustive and does not engage the responsibility of its author.

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